Pretty-ize Your Bathroom!


Right now I’m in the transition of finally moving in to my new place, it’s finally built, yahoo! So naturally I’m loving the fact that I can decorate my own space, a space that’s comfortable for both myself and my boyfriend.  When it comes to décor, I think that no area of the home should go unacknowledged – and that includes your shower. A great tip to “pretty-ize” your bathroom is to transfer all beauty products into beautiful glass bottles to evoke simplicity and steer away from the cluttered look of commercialized product bottles. You can even take this a step further!


I love the idea of placing flowers in these bottles – whether those flowers are silk, plastic, dried, or fresh. This will help create a natural, upscale vibe in your shower space, contributing to an overall positive experience! There are lots of faux flowers that look incredibly real, and they’re available at most craft stores.
Flowers-on-white-sunlightAs a matter of fact, there’s no reason to stop here. Why not transfer your hand soaps and dishwasher detergent to pretty glass bottles and add a flower or two?Flowers-in-soap-dispensersPlease note: I’m unsure how long a fresh flower would last when submerged in a liquid like shampoo or hand soap, but I’d imagine that it would also give a little something extra to the scent! Bohemian-bathroom

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